Tüm Zamanların En Popüler 48 Analitik Felsefe Kitabı – Edward Lucas, Bret Victor ve Nassim Nicholas Taleb

1702 Okunma
Okunma süresi: 2 Dakika

Bu izlek Edward Lucas, Bret Victor ve Nassim Nicholas Taleb tarafından hazırlanmış olup bookauthority.org‘dan derlenerek hazırlanmıştır. Listenin hazırlanış biçiminden dolayı başlığı “en etkili” veya “en iyi” yerine “en popüler” şeklinde atmayı daha uygun bulduk. Umarız faydalı olur.

  1. Bertrand Russell- Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy
  2. Claudio Costa – Philosophical Semantics
  3. Paul Redding – Analytic Philosophy and the Return of Hegelian Thought
  4. Michael Beaney – The Oxford Handbook of The History of Analytic Philosophy
  5. Tom Sorell, G. A. J. Rogers – Analytic Philosophy and History of Philosophy
  6. J. Alberto Coffa – The Semantic Tradition from Kant to Carnap
  7. Jordan Lindberg – Analytic Philosophy
  8. R. G. Collingwood – An Essay on Metaphysics
  9. Gottlob Frege – Aritmatiğin Temelleri ( ed. Philip A. Ebert, Marcus Rossberg)
  10. A. P. Martinich, David Sosa – Analytic Philosophy (An Anthology)
  11. Michela Beatrice Ferri, Carlo Ierna – The Reception of Husserlian Phenomenology in North America
  12. Andrew Loke – Investigating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
  13. Carol J. White, edited by Mark Ralkowski – Time and Death
  14. A. P. Martinich, E. David Sosa – A Companion to Analytic Philosophy
  15. Ethan Kleinberg – Haunting History
  16. R. Cobb-Stevens – Husserl and Analytic Philosophy
  17. G. Duke – Dummett on Abstract Objects
  18. Mohammad Azadpur – Analytic Philosophy and Avicenna
  19. M. David Eckel, C. Allen Speight, Troy DuJardin – The Future of the Philosophy of Religion
  20. Aaron Preston – Analytic Philosophy
  21. Mari Mikkola – Beyond Speech (Pornography and Analytic Feminist Philosophy)
  22. Maria Baghramian, Sarin Marchetti – Pragmatism and the European Traditions
  23. Avner Baz – The Crisis of Method in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy
  24. Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock – Unorthodox Analytic Philosophy
  25. Paolo Tripodi – Analytic Philosophy and the Later Wittgensteinian Tradition
  26. Matt LaVine – Race, Gender, and the History of Early Analytic Philosophy
  27. Nikolay Milkov – Early Analytic Philosophy and the German Philosophical Tradition
  28. Jens Lemanski – Language, Logic, and Mathematics in Schopenhauer
  29. Alexander Miller – Logic, Language, and Mathematics
  30. Adam Tamas Tuboly – The Historical and Philosophical Significance of Ayer’s Language, Truth and Logic
  31. Mircea Dumitru – Metaphysics, Meaning, and Modality
  32. Arnaud Dewalque, Charlotte Gauvry, Sébastien Richard – Philosophy of Language in the Brentano School
  33. Sandra Lapointe – Logic from Kant to Russell
  34. Keith Ansell-Pearson, Alan D. Schrift – The New Century
  35. Kizito Michael George – Analytic Philosophy for the perplexed
  36. Julian Jaynes – The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
  37. Jaroslav Peregrin – Meaning and Structure
  38. Jakub Mácha – Wittgenstein on Internal and External Relations
  39. Stuart G. Shanker – Philosophy of Science, Logic and Mathematics in the 20th Century
  40. Tim Button, Sean Walsh – Philosophy and Model Theory
  41. James Chase – Analytic Versus Continental
  42. Stephen P. Schwartz – A Brief History of Analytic Philosophy
  43. Greg Frost-Arnold – Carnap, Tarski, and Quine at Harvard
  44. A. W. Moore – The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics
  45. John Allen Paulos – I Think, Therefore I Laugh
  46. Robert Nozick – Invariances (The Structure of the Objective World)
  47. Jay L. Garfield, Tom J.F. Tillemans, Mario D’Amato – Pointing at the Moon (Buddhism, Logic, Analytic Philosophy)
  48. Gary Gutting – What Philosophers Know (Case Studies in Recent Analytic Philosophy)

Diğer Öneri Listelerimiz:

  1. Analitik Felsefe Kitap Önerileri
  2. Analitik Felsefe: Neyle İlgilidir ve Neler Okunmalıdır? – Holger A. Leuz
  3. Analitik Felsefe İçin Bazı Temel Kaynaklar – Anil Mitra
  4. Kendi Kendine Öğrenenler İçin Analitik Felsefe Okuma Listesi
  5. Felsefeye Yeni İlgi Duyanlar İçin 10 Türkçe Felsefe Kitabı – Taner Beyter
  6. Türk Felsefecilerden Seçme Analitik Felsefe Makaleleri– Taner Beyter
  7. 1950 Yılından Sonraki En Etkili Felsefe Kitapları
  8. Türkçede Analitik Din Felsefesi Çalışmaları – Musa Yanık
  9. Türkçede Bilişsel Bilim Kitapları -Yunus Şahin, CogIST
  10. Türkçede Çağdaş Epistemoloji Kitapları – Taner Beyter
  11. Türkçede Yapay Zekaya Dair 14+2 Kitap – Yunus Şahin, CogIST

Ankara Üniversitesi Coğrafya Bölümü’nü bitirdi, Felsefe master eğitimine ise ara verdi. Etik, epistemoloji, din felsefesi ve metafelsefe ile ilgilenir. Evli olup öğretmenlik mesleğine devam etmektedir.   

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